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Dental Crowns
Silverdale, WA

Dental Crowns provided by in Silverdale, WA at

A dental crown is designed to surround and protect a tooth after it has been weakened. Patients frequently cringe at the cost involved, but the cost of losing a natural tooth can be considerably more. Dr. Gillespie will examine the health of the teeth, and make recommendations based on the needs of the patient. In some situations, this may include a dental crown. Our team at Life Long Dental make the needs of the patient our priority, and extending the life of your teeth is one of the ways in which we do this.

When the strength of a tooth has been compromised, whether from a large filling, a root canal therapy treatment, or fractures to the tooth, it is best to protect the natural tooth structure by covering it with a crown. Without this added strength, the tooth may be subject to breakage or even tooth extraction. You want to protect your natural teeth as best as you can, your oral health relies on it.
This patient presented with decay on their molars.
This patient presented with decay on their molars.
Restored teeth with all-ceramic crowns to a naturally white smile.
Restored teeth with all-ceramic crowns to a naturally white smile.

A dental crown is a customized shell designed to fit your tooth and the dentition of its positioning. Crowns are available in a variety of materials, each with their pros and cons. We are happy to review your options with you and make recommendations based on the position of the tooth that we are covering. Your options will include:
•  Gold: Gold is a great option for dental crowns. The softness of this material feels the most like your natural teeth when chewing. The large downside to gold is its dark color, many patients only choose this option when placing back molars.
•  Porcelain: Porcelain tends to be patient's preferred choice, due to its look. The porcelain crown most resembles your natural teeth in color and translucency, the downside is that this material is subject to fractures and breakage. In most situations, we would only place a porcelain crown on a front tooth where it is most visible and generally less chewing pressure is applied.
•  Porcelain over Metal: With the porcelain look that patients like and the metal core that adds strength, this material for a dental crown is also a good option. The downside is that it is a hard material for a crown, patients have commented that it never truly feels like their surrounding teeth, and the porcelain is still subject to breakage then exposing the dark metal beneath.
•  Acrylic: An increasingly popular choice for dental crowns has been acrylic, which includes zirconia. This material gives you the look of your natural teeth, and will not break nearly as easily as porcelain. The downside that patients have reported is it feels hard in their mouth, meaning it feels different from your other teeth.

Placing your Dental Crown

Placing your dental crown is a simple procedure done in our office. Dr. Gillespie will clean the area, to reduce the incidence of infection. This includes ensuring that the original tooth has any decay removed, you do not want the tooth to continue to decay under the crown. The original tooth is then reduced slightly in size to have room to fit the crown. The tooth is again cleansed, and the crown is cemented into place. Dr. Gillespie will make any necessary adjustments to your crown ensuring that your bite is correct. Your dental crown should last you many years with proper care.

To learn more, give us a call at (360) 633-2377, or use our secure online appointment request form to get started with your consultation.

Find Our Location

Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Friday: 7:30am–4:30pm


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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Dental Crown - Silverdale, WA • Life Long Dental
At Life Long Dental, we examine the health of the teeth and make recommendations based on patient needs. In some cases, this may include a dental crown.
Life Long Dental, 3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383 ~ (360) 633-2377 ~ ~ 2/18/2025 ~ Related Phrases: Dentist Silverdale WA ~