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What Are The Risk Factors Of Bruxism?

Posted on 10/31/2023 by Life Long Dental
Two upper dentures grinding teeth against each other at Life Long DentalExcess teeth grinding while awake or asleep can be a sign of bruxism. The condition causes an individual to grind their teeth unintentionally, which can lead to dental issues.

Worst cases of this condition can result in temporomandibular joint disorders and headaches. Understanding the issues that can increase your chances of developing bruxism can help in diagnosis and interventions. Here are some of the factors that can increase your teeth clenching risks:


Teeth grinding is a common condition among young children. You can notice your kid biting their teeth while asleep. The condition can happen due to allergies, mouth irritation, or misaligned teeth. Your child is also at risk of bruxism if it runs in your family. The condition can be inherited through genetic research that does not have conclusive information on this area.

Sleeping Disorder

If you experience frequent night terrors or have sleep apnea, you have a high prevalence of bruxism. People with this condition experience sleep bruxism as they struggle with breathing issues. The brain fails to send the breathing signals causing your body to experience breath pauses. This aspect results in teeth grinding.

Personality Type

Your personality can increase your prevalence of teeth grinding disorder. If you are ambitious and more excitable, you can be a candidate for clenching your jaw frequently.

You can also struggle with the condition if you experience high anxiety or stress levels. The presence of high levels of cortisol and other stress hormones causes your jaw muscles to clench, leading to the teeth-grinding problem.

Mental Health Disorders

When one suffers mental disorders such as depression, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux, and Parkinson's disease, they become potential candidates for bruxism. Hyperactivity disorder can also increase your risk of this condition.

A dentist can assess potential signs of bruxism in your regular dental visits. If you have any sign of bruxism or it runs in your family, consider visiting our office today for a diagnostic session.

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Life Long Dental

3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383


(360) 633-2377


(360) 692-8863


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday: Closed


3100 NW Bucklin Hill Rd, Suite 209, Silverdale, WA 98383

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